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A community of believers gathered together, living a holy unwavering life with Jesus as the head. None suffering lack, neither spiritually nor naturally. Healed and delivered of all worries and cares of the world. Every need being cared for.

Living in harmony and humility. Genuine and unconditional love towards one self and towards all mankind, as displayed by the love of the Father towards HIS Son. Being the local church community established by God and called to be what he has ordained; a holy kingdom on earth. Not relying or depending on the world or our own strength and abilities, but in all things depending on God only.

Being a community that is self sufficient; having all provisions provided by God through his surrendered vessels. Having schools, hospitals, banks, restaurants, farms, electrical and water plants and more.
Allowing the Holy Ghost to lead us in every step; consuming our entire being to ensure that it will never be any of us but ALL of HIM. (Soli deo gloria . . . to God alone the glory!)

Being the stone that was rejected and becoming the corner stone used by God. “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44)